The Average labor burns somewhere around 3000 calories! (akin to running a marathon) But if you have an epidural, you cannot eat!

Carbohydrates (aka sugars) are our body's go to energy sources. It takes an average of 2000-2500 calories to simply have our bodies perform their daily processes. Add to that the energy our uterus needs to contract and the power we need to push, and your body is going to be begging for fuel!
So how do you get your body the needed nutrients it needs if you've chosen to have an epidural?
 Eat up until the time you get the epidural. Focus on complex carbohydrates and a little protein (fruits, fruit sauces, whole grain bagels, crackers, or bread, nut butters, oat bars, etc.)
Request clear liquids with sugar during labor with your epidural. Most hospitals have juices available that can help keep your energy up during labor.
 Suck on honey sticks. They are instant sugar, and they don't put a lot of "content" on your stomach.
 If you're feeling really low on energy, try to nap if you are comfortable.
 If you start to get shaky or feel completely drained, (especially if you haven't eaten in 6+ hours) request IV fluids with sugar. This shouldn't be a problem unless you have underlying gestational or pre-existing diabetes.
Make every effort to keep your body fueled during labor, before, during, and after the epidural. You uterus will be happy and you will feel empowered to give that final push to hold your baby in your arms.